15 Feb 2025
Late Night
You and I, in this beautiful world.
Support : 9540-648-648 | ©banquetEasy, 2019.

What's New
Tally integration is now live
With our unique paid addon, it's now possible to synchronize your financial data with tally. Call us on 9540648648 to acticate or for know more.
Create a new quotation from enquiry section
Banqueteasy now enables you to create a new quotation right from the enquiry section by just clicking and auto populating client details in the quotation form.
Bank details on the invoice
You can print your bank details on your tax invoice. To setup bank details, visit Invoice and GST section and update your bank details.
Addtional Food package
Now you can add additional food packages, even after accepting the booking. Visit booking summary screen to add an additional food package to the existing booking.
Whatsapp Connect
Why to depend upon the old traditional transactional SMS service when we have whatsapp power. BanquetEasy is now empowered with a Whatsapp connect and sends the Booking notifications and inquiry notifications through whats app automation instead of an SMS. With a guaranteed delivery.
Vendors in ODC
Vendor module has been linked to the ODC section. Users with facility of ODC managment can now manage ODC vendors using banqueteasy.
BRN filter
BRN filter has been added to booking reports, now the bookings can also be filtered our using booking refrence number
Enquiries on bookmap
Total Inquiries present on a particular day has been hightlited on a bookmap under the date
Daybook Report
New daybook report feature has been added to banqueteasy, which shows a simplified reports of days credit and debit transactions.
Food Label - Beta
We have introduce a new feature called food label printing. The food label for buffet counter can be printed automatically based on the food selection. This is available in the booking summary.
Export leads and inquiries to CSV
Now you can export all the leads and inqiries present in the system to the CSV with a click of a button.
Inquiry Sorting
Now sort the inquiries and filter results based in new to old pattern and visa versa. These sorts can be applied on enquiry date, event data and followup dates.
Mark Not intrested with a reason
Capture a reason why the lead went closed with 'Not interested'. Soon the statistics of the same will be available on the dashboard.
Multiple package quotation
BanquetEasy now enables you to create a single quotation comprising of muliple food packages.
Food order sheet
A brand new smart module to prepare automatic ingridients order sheet has been introduced, which computes all the ingridients required across selected food item.
Records who booked the event
This new update captures the name of the user / logged in staff who books the event. This username is printed and available in the booking summary.
Download Inquiries to CSV
A new feature has been added to download all the Inquiries in a CSV format and it's present in the inquiry section. This CSV then can be saved as excel file as well.
Cancel and Confirm booking saperation
Improvement - Cancel booking and Confirm booking right was a common checkbox in subusers in the previous version. It has been saperated now.
Delete inquiry access
A new right to allow or denie the inquiry deletion has been added in the subusers section. User with this right can only delete the inquiry.
Tooltip bug fixed
The tooltip was getting clipped for the month end dates. It has been fixed and now it shows a complete booking details on mouse hover.
Booking report
New column to indicate banquet name has been added in the booking report. In case two halls are combined and booked, the report shows both the hall names.
New login page
Based on our user’s feedback, we have come up with a brand new login page, which solves login issues faced by several users and brings you the latest update information.
Email alert for menu revision
Upon changing the food menu, admin gets notified via an email alert along with the record of previously selected menu, which has been modified.
Duplicate enquiry alert.
System shows an alert message while adding a new enquiry, if the enquiry is already present with the same event date and same customer number.
JustDial enquiries segregation
A new tab has been added to the enquiry section, which filters out the JD enquiries which has no contact number as well as email ID.
Enquiry / Lead assignment
Enquiry data is now possible to be kept limited to the user who has taken the enquiry. Also the admin can assign any particular enquiry to another user or multiple users. Along with this, the admin can filter the enquiry report using a new filter called “User”.
Auto sync JustDial enquiries
Banqueteasy now can sync your JustDial enquiries automatically with it’s CRM, so taking follow up and keeping track of JD enquiry becomes way easier.
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